Belly dance is the dance of the sacred feminine and facilitates us to dive deep into our creative sensual nature and connect to our intimate power of the second chakra.  As mankind has advanced we have been slowly stripped of and disconnected to our innate nurturing, healing, creativity, and intimacy with oneself.  Learning the art of belly dance is a radical act of self love and empowerment in a world that tells us we are not enough, we are not beautiful enough, and to be ashamed of being sexy, passionate, or sensual.  Connecting to our body and sacred feminine is an integral part of being a full, shining, embodied, and healthy human. 

Current Offerings

  Tabla Belly Dance Class
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Performance Video
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Our bodies are designed to feel amazing and be a comfortable home to live in.  As someone who has dealt with anxiety, sensory sensitivities, chronic pain, autoimmune challenges, a trauma survivor, and countless injuries since a young age I am immensely passionate about sharing the freedom, healing, and wellness yoga, dance, and fitness have brought to my life.  I have dedicated my life to studying and understanding the mind, body, and spatial connection.  I live in constant awe, gratitude, and curiosity of what magic lives within us. Join me in pursuing that magic through dance.